New Again PC

Community Enhancing Technology Services and Environmental Efforts

Our Mission: "..protect our environment."

Through our effort to utilize existing hardware, New Again helps to reduce the number of PCs, monitors, and components that otherwise end up in landfills. E-Waste is quickly becoming one of the biggest problems of this century, and we promise to do everything in our power to stop it. Many computers are disposed of before the end of their useful life, due to nothing more than software problems. We replace and update your existing software, saving you money, and keeping your existing hardware and its dangerous components from their gruesome fate in landfills around the world.

When components from your computer are replaced, those that still work are used to build basic computers for individuals who cannot afford them on their own. Components that cannot be used are donated for recycling to companies with strong environmental standards and oversights.

Additionally, New Again PC is a Green Power Partner of the EPA, fostering renewable energy production and the reduction of green house gas emissions, with regular, substantial purchases of Green-e certified renewable energy certificates and carbon offsets with verified emissions reductions to offset both our business and personal energy use.


Learn more about E-Waste and it's effects on our planet.
Watch the video below (approx. 12 minutes) or click to read the article from CBS' 60 Minutes.


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